For couples untangling their shared life, the presence of a business in the marital assets…
Why You Should Stay Off Social Media During a Divorce

Many people turn to social media to vent their frustrations, share stories about their lives, or mindlessly scroll through pictures and videos. Although it’s common practice in your everyday life, posting to social media can jeopardize divorce proceedings.
Your spouse’s attorney can find the information you post on public platforms and use it against you. Even a seemingly innocent picture of yourself on vacation can have consequences if you’re seeking child support or spousal support.
When you start the divorce process, consider keeping off your social media accounts to avoid providing evidence that can negatively affect your case.
Social Media and Child Custody
You want what’s best for your children. However, convincing a family law judge that you deserve custody of your kids over your spouse can be challenging. The obstacle becomes greater if you post disparaging comments about your spouse. Your words can come back to haunt you and cost you the quality time with your children you desire.
Frivolous Spending During a Divorce
You might want to share news of an upcoming vacation or another big-ticket item you purchased. Although you feel proud of treating yourself to something you saved to buy or like to share the exciting events in your life, informing others of your frivolous spending can damage divorce proceedings.
You can forget about convincing the judge of your financial struggles if your spouse’s lawyer finds your post about traveling around the world, dining at expensive restaurants, or renovating your home. You should keep those aspects of your life private. Better yet, wait until after the divorce is final to enjoy them.
Don’t Attack Your Spouse
Despite your feelings about your spouse, attacking them on social media won’t work in your favor. Instead of making them look bad, you make yourself look petty, angry, or vindictive.
It might feel good to bad mouth your spouse at the moment, especially if you had an argument or unpleasant encounter recently. However, your words paint a picture of the type of person you are.
What You Should Never Discuss on Social Media
Your social media activity can destroy your credibility and give your spouse the ammunition they need to achieve their goals in court. Avoiding your accounts is the best option. If you do decide to share anything, there are some things you should avoid discussing, such as:
Negative comments
Your soon-to-be ex might irritate, upset, anger, and frustrate you. Don’t stoop to their level if they purposely press your buttons to get a reaction. If you need to vent, talk to a trusted family member or friend in person instead of posting about your feelings online.
Questionable behavior
Posting evidence of questionable behavior is self-incrimination. Although you want to share something you think is worth telling your Facebook friends, it can call your judgment into question.
Posting pictures is acceptable if they’re in good taste. Sharing photos of a wild night out with friends or drunken shenanigans can give your spouse the leverage they need to show you’re irresponsible.
Protect Yourself with Help from an Experienced Attorney
Once you post something on the internet, it’s there forever. You can’t go back in time and change your decision to share something embarrassing or incriminating. You should stay away from social media during your pending divorce, no matter how much you want to update your family and friends about your life.
Pincus Goodman, P.C., can protect your rights and interests during divorce proceedings. As experienced family law attorneys, will guide you through every stage to help you avoid mistakes.
Call us at (757) 301-9634 or contact us online for a confidential consultation in Virginia Beach if you want to file for divorce or have already filed. Let us be the advocate you need during this difficult time.